A girl can never have enough bags, whether it be handbags, crossbody, totes, satchel, we’re enthusiastic about beautiful bags of every kind, but there are times when manufactured bags fail to satisfy our needs. Well, then learning to make your own fashion bags is the perfect solution, you can tailor every aspect to your fancy and it all comes down to a fraction of the cost (compare buying $30 of materials to you spending $5,000 on a Chanel Clutch.

“This cute, DIY cross-body tote is super easy for anyone to put together and only requires a few low-cost items”


Thick white cotton rope
1 hot glue gun and glue sticks
Metal Crossbody bag replacement strap (preferably gold-tone metal)


Wooden beads and rings (for embellishment)
White cotton thread


1. Cut the rope into 2 equal lengths, you can start at 10 yards but it really depends on how big you want your bag to be.
2. Use the hot glue gun to glue the end of one rope onto itself.

DIY Rope bag
Use the hot glue gun to glue the end of one rope onto itself

3. Continue to glue along the rope and wind itself into a circle to create a flat, circle disk shape. But make sure to leave out a 6-inch long tail!
4. Repeat steps 2-3 to create the other rope disk.
5. Now you have 2 disks! Start decorating one of them, let your creativity run wild. Reference our design in the video tutorial below.
6. Flip the disk you’ve finished designing to its back.
7. Attach a line of rope around the bottom half of the disk using the hot glue gun
8. Glue it on top of itself to create the thickness of the bottom side.
9. Keep layering until it becomes 3-inch thick
10. Grab the second disk that’s been doing nothing and lay it on top. Make sure the endpoints are on opposite sides.
11. Glue the end of the 6-inch tail onto the insides of the bag to create a curved handle on both sides of the bag.

diy rope bag
Glue the end of the 6-inch tail onto the insides of the bag to create a curved handle on both sides of the bag

12. Take the metal replacement strap, and fasten the clasps onto the two handles of the bag.

Now it’s done, you just finished creating a beautiful, thrifty fashion tote that’s versatile to complement any stylish summer outfits and carry a range of different items. It’s also another unique piece to add to your bag collection, be extra proud of it since it’s made from scratch all by yourself!

DIY rope bag
You just finished creating a beautiful, thrifty fashion tote

Video Tutorial


Follow our video tutorial above and check out our end results!
Tried making it at home? Share your results with us on Facebook, or Instagram.

Thanks to Oksana Matyash for sharing her video with us, check out more on her channel.