Weight Loss Drinks While You Sleep

For many people, losing weight is a daunting challenge to take on. If exercising and changing your diet seem like a tall...

5 Surprising Effects That Coffee Has on Your Body

Americans love coffee. About 62 percent of us consume coffee on a daily basis. In his book “The ‘Latte Revolution’?” Stefano Ponte wrote that...

Spring Recipes for Seasonal Produce

Here’s a surefire remedy for any lingering winter doldrums: Head to the nearest farmers market, situate yourself among the piles and piles...

9 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera–#4 Fights Tumor and Boosts Immune...

Since ancient times, the aloe vera plant has been used around the world to treat a number of ailments. Ancient Egyptians called...
iherb thumbnail

5 Tips for Midday Motivation to Give you Energy on a...

How many of you get that midday slump and just can’t function? Or feel uninspired and lose motivation to get that task finished? Sometimes the...

4 DIY Spa-Quality Bath Salt Body Scrubs

If you are a fan of bath time and relaxation, these 4 DIY body salt scrubs are perfect for getting an at-home spa treatment....
BW Ingredients labeling

Top 6 Misleading Facts About Skincare Labels: Organic, Cruelty-Free, & More

Have you ever bought a skincare product because it had a 100% organic or cruelty-free label? There’s something reassuring about the labels that make...
Cup of Matcha

Matcha Lattes Are Easier to Make At Home Than You Think

What’s the simplest way to make matcha lattes at home? With a milk frother. Art Of Matcha The art of matcha, without doubt, includes hand-whisking the...

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Matcha tea

Matcha Face Masks 3 DIY Recipes & Amazing Benefits

Matcha, matcha, matcha. This bright green powder of crushed green tea leaves is found in just about everywhere -- from drinks in cafes to...

Leather Pouch That’s Easy to DIY For Your Headphones, Change or Accessories

If you are looking for some fun and easy DIY project to do this Fall, then you must try this leather pouch making kit....
DIY Home Decor

Leftover Yarn and Creativity Equals These 3 DIY Home Decor Ideas

If you’ve got those leftover yarn from your crochet sitting there and feeling clueless, here are 3 brilliant ideas to make them into useful...
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8 Beneficial Ways to Use Salt at Home

We mostly think of salt as a humble ingredient used mainly in food, but did you know that salt is actually packed with various...
dry dehydrated skin

Dry VS. Dehydrated Skin – What’s the Difference?

Did you know that skin dehydration and dryness are completely different skin conditions, yet many of us get confused between the two? Dehydrated skin lacks...