Spring Recipes for Seasonal Produce

Here’s a surefire remedy for any lingering winter doldrums: Head to the nearest farmers market, situate yourself among the piles and piles...
use salt at home

8 Beneficial Ways to Use Salt at Home

We mostly think of salt as a humble ingredient used mainly in food, but did you know that salt is actually packed with various...

6 Delicious Teas to Boost Your Health & Soul

Ahh, autumn. There’s something magical about the sight of the trees changing when you walk in the...

Traditional Chinese Tea: An Amazing Antidote That Fights Off Poisons in...

There is a Chinese saying: “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.” With tea being...

6 Worst Foods For Heart Disease–Find Out What NOT to Put...

Heart disease kills an average of 610,000 people per year in the US alone and is the leading cause of death for both men...

10 Things You Can Do With Minimal Effort That Can Make...

1. Complimenting someone. The checkout lady at the grocery store, the stocker in WalMart, your Starbucks barista. Don’t be creepy, just be genuine. via GIPHY 2....

9 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera–#4 Fights Tumor and Boosts Immune...

Since ancient times, the aloe vera plant has been used around the world to treat a number of ailments. Ancient Egyptians called...

9 Mosquito Bite Natural Remedies – How to Get Rid of...

Aloe Vera It’s no surprise that the “plant of immortality” can be used to treat mosquito bites. Because of its soothing nature and anti-inflammatory properties,...

Common Healthy Food Myths That You Probably Believed

Plenty of the things you thought were true about eating healthy actually might not be... It’s a whole new...
self care things to help destress

7 Self Care Tips to Help You Get Rid of Stress

Slow down by picking up a book That book you’ve been eyeing but “haven’t had time” to crack open? Pick it up and skim a...

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7 Beautiful Hairstyle Ideas that are Easy to Learn

A gorgeous hairstyle can accentuate your beauty better than any makeup, with the fast-paced working lifestyle we often dash out in a boring ponytail...
Asian beauty

7 Affordable and Effective Beauty Products from Asia

Mizon's Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel $9.40 BUY NOW When was the last time you used a beauty exfoliator, only to realize the granules are irritating your...
self care things to help destress

7 Self Care Tips to Help You Get Rid of Stress

Slow down by picking up a book That book you’ve been eyeing but “haven’t had time” to crack open? Pick it up and skim a...

5 Beauty Products You Should Start DIY and Stop Buying

For all you beauty lovers, did you know many of your favorite products such as eye makeup, blush, perfume can be made easily at...

5 Surprising Effects That Coffee Has on Your Body

Americans love coffee. About 62 percent of us consume coffee on a daily basis. In his book “The ‘Latte Revolution’?” Stefano Ponte wrote that...