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Baci di Dama: Italian Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

The simple four-ingredient dough comes together right in the food processor.    Makes about 3 dozen

Spring Recipes for Seasonal Produce

Here’s a surefire remedy for any lingering winter doldrums: Head to the nearest farmers market, situate yourself among the piles and piles...

Get Glass Skin with These 5 Simple Steps

We’re all about getting that smooth, glossy, porcelain-like skin and glass skin is one of those trends that you’ve probably seen floating around. So, what...

Traditional Chinese Tea: An Amazing Antidote That Fights Off Poisons in the Body

There is a Chinese saying: “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.” With tea being...

3 Creative Money Hacks and Gift Ideas

Surprise your friends with these creative money hacks and gift ideas. Gifting money straight up may seem like you haven’t put heart into the...