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5 Easy Makeup & Jewelry Organization DIY Hacks

Can you stop yourself from buying that gorgeous lipstick despite having a similar shade at home? Nope, neither can I. If you’re like me...

9 Mosquito Bite Natural Remedies – How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites Fast

Aloe Vera It’s no surprise that the “plant of immortality” can be used to treat mosquito bites. Because of its soothing nature and anti-inflammatory properties,...

5 Surprising Effects That Coffee Has on Your Body

Americans love coffee. About 62 percent of us consume coffee on a daily basis. In his book “The ‘Latte Revolution’?” Stefano Ponte wrote that...
blackberry beverage

Say No to Dehydration this Summer: Why it’s Important

It seems that summer is endless with the rampant heat waves found popping up throughout the world. With many countries now affected by the...

Crochet Basket Made From T-Shirt: Extra Space Storage!

We all want our rooms to be neat and beautifully organized, no one wants their tastefully decorated room to look like a warehouse, so...