1. Complimenting someone. The checkout lady at the grocery store, the stocker in WalMart, your Starbucks barista. Don’t be creepy, just be genuine.
2. A smile. Smiles are powerful.
3. Be more generous with your compliments than with your complaints.
4. And saying thank you. It’s amazing how many sour-looking people will smile back.
5. A courtesy wave, to someone letting you merge in front of them in heavy traffic.
6. Holding open the door for the person following you.
7. Naps. Naps are awesome.
8. Being kind. Everyone is fighting some sort of battle, and you don’t always know what people are going through. Kindness can make all the difference.
9. A firm handshake. You want a good first impression, look them in the eye and shake their hand like you’re someone who is worth dealing with.
10. Take a moment every day and express gratitude for something. Sometimes we get so caught up in first-world problems or the stress of life, we forget how good we have it.
The responses were taken from a question asked on Reddit.