
Who doesn’t love online shopping? But sometimes it’s a pain when you get that last pair of gorgeous heels that is unfortunately too tight after you slip them on. Luckily, you don’t have to return them with these 7 hacks on how to stretch shoes!

The Hair Dryer


1 Hairdryer
1 Pair of Thick Socks


  1. Put on a pair of thick socks and slip your feet into the shoes. Use a hairdryer to blow on the tight sections, meanwhile, you can wiggle your toes inside the shoes to help it expand.
  2. Blow the tight areas for 2-3 minutes, take off the shoes and your socks, try the shoes on with your bare feet and you should notice the shoes have stretched. Repeat this process several times if necessary.
Use a hairdryer to blow on the tight sections

Hammer Away


1 Hand Towel
1 Hammer


  1. Wrap the towel around the counter of the shoes where your heels are.
  2. Take the hammer and gently pound it over the towel. Do not use excessive force. Keep pounding until the counter area has widened enough for your feet.

Wet The Towel


2 Hand Towels
Plastic Wrap


  1. Wet the hand towels thoroughly then wring it dry, roll the towels and stuff it inside the toes of the shoes.
  2. Wrap the shoes in plastic wrap, leave for 8 hours. The wet towels will stretch the shoes and widen the toe area.

Put A Band-Aid On It


2 Band-aids


  1. Use a band-aid to wrap around your middle toe and 4th toe together, then wear your shoes.
  2. This method helps to reduce the strain on your feet especially when wearing heels, it also protects your toes from blistering.
Use a band-aid to wrap around your middle toe and 4th toe together

Soap It Up


1 Bar of Soap


  1. Take the bar of soap and rub it over the lining and insole of the shoes, the soap will grease up your shoes and allow your feet to slip inside smoothly.


White Vinegar


4 Hand Towels
1 Cup of White Vinegar


  1. Pour white vinegar over the hand towels, wrap towels around the top area and heels area.
  2. Let the shoes rest for 8 hours.
Wrap towels around the top area and heels area

Rubbing Alcohol


1 Cup of Water
1 Hand Towel
1 Cup of Rubbing Alcohol


  1. Dip the towel in water and then in the rubbing alcohol, wipe the wet towel around the lining, the inside of the shoes, and everywhere else you wish to stretch.
  2. Put on the shoes while it’s still wet, the shoes will expand as the alcohol dries up. Repeat this process several times if necessary.

These methods on how to stretch shoes can be applied to almost any shoe type!


Video Tutorial

Follow our video tutorial above and check out our end results!
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